The House Of Appreciation

I would like to start off by saying we are not a charity case, and do not do this for the money or pity we do this out of love. We are just animal lovers and want to save every single cat we come across, and if we go broke doing it then so be it. We are still the happiest people ever and so are our cats. A few people that are very near and dear to me and know what great things we do for these animals suggested I put a area to donate on my site. I was hestitant at first because we aren't in it for the money, and I don't like feeling like a charity case. We brought this upon ourselves. Yes it's a struggle. Between kitty litter, dry food, wet food, goats milk and baby food for the babies, we go through at least $150 a week just on the cats. Not only that the economy is so bad right now. In all honesty our cats will eat first before we do. That's how much we love them. I have had a lady friend of my moms donate $10 and I swear I almost cried because no one has ever done something like that. I almost didn't want to take it. But that simple act of kindness went a long way. It bought 3 cans of goat's milk to help save a kitten's life. I still feel bad for that donation thing on here but sometimes people just want to help. I know I always do. So I won't stop a person from doing something nice. If you do feel like donating and don't want to send money we will accept friskies cat food, friskies wet food, goats milk, and kitty litter or even coupons for any of those things! i love me some coupons! =) If you are interested in mailing anything feel free to email me, and I will be glad to send you our address. The best donation we could honestly get is a "thank you." It really means alot when people recognize what a great thing we are doing for these cats.I'll make a comments page too so feel free to leave your feedback I'd love to hear it! We arent an organization that gets help or anything we are just your two averages joe's loving cats. =) Thank you so much for listening.    

                      THANK YOU!!!                    

The 2 photo's below are all the stuff I was able to buy with a generous Donation from a secret animal lover. That money went a very long way. Thanks again!!!!

Thank you ladies at Quality Sheet Metal and roofing! 


Thank you Barry and Vicky from Quality Sheet Metal and Roofing!!!!!!


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